Statistiche sull'italiano

Diffusione dello studio dell'italiano a livello mondiale

Il MAECI (Ministero degli affari Esteri e della Cooperazione internazionale, ha diffuso, durante gi Stati Generali della Lingua Italiana svoltisi ad ottobre 2016, i dati relativi al 2015 sull'insegnamento dell'italiano nel mondo.

In base ai dati sulla diffusione dell’insegnamento dell’italiano, nell’anno scolastico 2014/2015, sono stati complessivamente 2.233.373 gli studenti della nostra lingua nel mondo. Si tratta di un numero estremamente imponente che segna un incremento notevole rispetto al 1.761.436 studenti dell’a.s. 2013/2014 e al 1.522.184 studenti dell’a.s. 2012/2013.

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Le lingue straniere a livello K-12 negli USA

ACTFL Enrollment Survey

Foreign Language Enrollments K-12 in Public Schools: Ares Students ready for a Global Society?

ACTFL’s most recent enrollment study found that from 2004–05 to 2007–08 more K–12 public school students enrolled in foreign language courses, yet, despite this increase, only 18.5% of all students were enrolled. Compared to other nations where nearly all students study a second or third language, the overall picture remains unsatisfactory. Looking forward, the impact of the current economic situation on public school budgets presents a potential threat to these gains. Enrollment levels should be studied annually to fully understand impacts, such as economic conditions, on our national foreign language capability pipeline, which will determine our national ability to meet future public and private sector demand for language skills. This highlights the need for all states to track foreign language enrollments (only 34 states as of 2007–08) and for standardized reporting across states. - 

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Le lingue straniere negli USA a livello di Higher Education

MLA Enrollments in Languages Other Than English in United States Institutions of Higher Education, 2013

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