Access to Italian courses of Medicine in English


The Ministry of Education, University and Research (Ministero dell’Istruzione, Universita’ e Ricerca MIUR) in order to enable the Italian university system to compete with other European systems, and aiming to attract the best foreign students, has recently signed an agreement with the Cambridge Assessment Group, the most important assessment agency in Europe, to start an innovative process of internationalization of the Italian university system.

Thanks to this agreement, foreign students wishing to gain access to Italian courses of Medicine in English will be able to take admission tests in English, at the Italian Universities and in foreign university locations as well.

The MIUR has scheduled the International Medical Admission Test (IMAT) for the admission to the full Degree in Medicine and Surgery in English for the year 2013/2014 on 4/15/2013.

The above test is organized by the MIUR in cooperation with the Cambridge Assessment Group.

In order to know the test locations, the schedule of the tests taking place in Italy and abroad, and the number of available slots to the full Degree in Medicine and Surgery reference is made to the Ministerial Decree MIUR 14.02.2013 –that can be downloaded from  the following web address:

Registration to the IMAT to the full Degree in Medicine and Surgery in English for 2013/2014 can be done exclusively online at the Internet site of the MIUR Universitaly, The deadline is stated on the portal.

Official IMAT admission tests in English  to the full Degree in Medicine and Surgery are held at the Universities  listed in the above Decree (i.e. University of Bari, University of Milan, Naples Seconda Universita’, University of Pavia, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Policlinico La Sapienza in Rome, University of Rome Tor Vergata).

Registration to the above mentioned tests is not binding to the enrollment to the fuill Degree filed at the Italian consular offices. In the upcoming days, the schedule and dates of the university pre-enrollment for the year 2013/2014 will be given, as well as any updated information on the admission of foreign students.