Italian Heritage and Culture Month 2014

2014 is The Year of Celebrating the Italian American Experience, Legends and Icons...
Italian Americans in Sports.

During the year, there will be events celebrating the lives and legends of Italian Americans in Sports, many who are role models for all. There will be related lectures, panels, receptions and proclamations at every level of government, in collaboration with the Italian Consulate, educational institutions and other community organizations. Following last year's theme of Year of Italian Culture in the United States, the IHCC-NY agreed that it was appropriate to celebrate the Italian American experience in Sports. As so many first and second generation Italian Americans, from modest, immigrant origins reached the top of their field, through hard work, perseverance, good moral character and, love for family and their country, America. This 2014 celebration allows all in the I-A community to hail and salute other legends and icons, especially in the area of sports achievement, and enacts a rare opportunity to single out many in the wider community.

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